Total square footage and frontage available to achieve proposed functions
Evaluation of existing visibility/reaction ratios and proposed site access
Primary and secondary road configurations and posted speed limits
Proposed road improvements or expansions and anticipated impact on site visability
Proposed facility design and layout
Analysis of Trade Area Characteristics
Establish immediate and expanded targeted trade area
Evaluate volumes of residential, special, and employee population available in trade area
Generate socioeconomic profile of targeted population base
Rate the business activity within the trade area (including restaurant, retail, entertainment, evening, and commercial/professional)
Identify and evaluate the potential growth activities within the trade area
Establish vehicular volumes available to the studied site in combination with vehicular movement analysis of volumes available (transient, commuter, destination, commercial)
Analysis of Competitive Environment
Comprehensive analysis of existing competitive outlets
Establishing the relative strength of each competitor and the operational design standards exhibited within the overall environment
Identification and evaluation of impact attributed to potential competitive activity
Recommended Marketing Actions
Specific site development strategies which determine the size and scope of facility to be developed
Average Monthly Volume Projections
Forecast of average monthly gasoline volumes in gallons, merchandise sales in dollars, QSR sales in dollars, and car wash sales in dollars attributed to the proposed site